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Englishable Premium

An Englishable Premium plan gives you every activity on our site, current and future, plus full access to your "My Activities" section and Teacher Toolbox.

You have the choice of annual or monthly payment options.

Full Access

Grammar Activities
Topic Activities
Games Plus
Your customisable Activities*
Teacher toolbox*

* Read on or click here to see what you'll be getting with these.

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  • Englishable Premium

    Every month
    • Full Access: Grammar Activities
    • Full Access: Topic Activities
    • Full Access: Games Plus
    • Full Access: Augmented Reality Spot the Difference
    • Your customisable Activities*
    • Teacher toolbox*
  • Best Value

    Englishable Premium

    Every year
    • Full access: Grammar activities
    • Full access: Topic activities
    • Full access: Games Plus activities
    • Full Access: Augmented Reality Spot the Difference
    • Your customisable Activities*
    • Teacher toolbox*

small phone homepage.jpg

You have an active Englishable subscription. In order to change plans, you will need to cancel the plan that you are currently on.

Click here to go to your "Subscription" page.

Englishable Premium

With an Englishable Premium account, not only do you have access to every activity we offer, but you can even create your own!

Image of a digital Taboo card on the screen of a smartphone. Smartphone is standing up on a desk in a classroom.
Full Access

Enjoy full access to every activity on our site. Grammar and Topic based activities, Spot the Difference in 360 degrees and Augmented Reality, unlimited Board Game access, Picture Reveals, Pelmanism, Pronunciation games... the list goes on.

Premium gives you all of it, plus anything to appear on the site in the future!

Create Your Own
You'll have unlimited access to your previously limited "My Activities"section, including:
Board game with red, green, blue, orange paths. For ESL learning, colours coordinate with phone image buttons. Two red dice.
Board Game Studio

You'll have full access to all multiple choice question sets and challenges in your Board Game Studio.

Use our ever expanding collection of boards with whatever topics and grammar points you want to cover.

Multiple Choice Quizzes

As well as full access to all of our Board Game Studio topics, you'll be able to create your own Multiple Choice Quizzes and add them straight into your Board Game Studio!

Your Text Flashcards will also be available in your Board Game Studio, so you can create challenges as well!

Smartphone showing a multiple choice quiz with three possible answers. Quizzes can be created by premium users and saved.
Smartphone showing a 'Talk about your dream job!' flashcard on a green screen, with a 'Next' button and Englishable logo.
Text Flashcards

Create and save up to ten of your own sets of text cards. Each newly created set comes with it's own QR code so that your students can view them on their phone as fast as your WiFi can blink.

You can also save hundreds of ready made vocabulary sets including vocab sets from some of the world's most popular ESL textbooks including Cutting Edge and Speakout.


If you use our Taboo cards on paper, then it is easy to combine topics and remove any cards you don't think are right for your class. Your premium account allows you to do exactly that, but to do it digitally so your students can access your combined mega sets on their smartphones.

Laptop screen shows a gallery of Taboo cards, allowing users to delete cards to manage deck content for classroom activity.
Smartphone showing Taboo card with volcano image and words 'Erupt', 'Explode', 'Hot', 'Dangerous'.
Smartphone with green background, dialogue box and keyboard, text: instant message sharing, and 'Finished' below.
Perfect Dictation

Eight lines, no more, no less. Create anything you like from riddles and jokes, to poems and short dialogues.

As always, QR codes are generated for every Perfect Dictation you create.

A simple whiteboard game that can be created in a flash. You have your own editable Memory Game board grid of up to 6 by 6. You can add text and/or pictures. All you need for images is to simply copy and paste the image URL!

Pelmanism (Memory Game)
Laptop displaying a Memory (Pelmanism) game with green cards to flip, designed for interactive learning.
Laptop displays game with a partially hidden hamburger image behind green squares.

An awesome yet simple game for any level. Whether using images of your own or URLs from Google (or anywhere else on the web that you like!), you can save a set of up to ten pictures to reveal to your class.

Picture Reveal

Our popular pronunciation tool is now customisable. Choose any words or sounds that you want your students to practice, show them the QR code, and off they go.

Smartphone with green background showing a calculator app, where pronunciation sounds replace numbers for ESL learning.
Whiteboard showing a photo of student's handwritten work, highlighting digital to physical display capability.
Smartphone with green background and Englishable logo, showing dual chess clock countdown timers for activity timing.
Smartphone displaying a student's written text photo, indicating upload feature for smart board projection.
Teacher's Toolbox

Ever found yourself in class, looking at something on a piece of paper, or in a student notebook, wishing you could show the whole class? Get a photo from your phone to your smart board or projector in seconds with our toolbox. Check out a demo on this page.

Your students will also be able to send text from their phones to your board in a split second with the text upload function.

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