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Quiz Create

Welcome to Quiz Create. This is one of our newest features!

Here Premium Members can create Multiple Choice Quizzes in no time at all. These work as stand alone quizzes with their own QR code, but they are also integrated into your "Board Game Studio" making our Board Games fully customisable to include any topic you can possibly imagine.

You'll find instructions below.


The Quiz builder is easy to use, but please remember to hit "Save Quiz" before leaving the page. Otherwise the quiz you have created will not be saved. Once saved, it will be listed on your "Board Game Studio" page and will be assignable to the coloured buttons, ready to be used with any of our board games!

Smartphone showing a multiple choice quiz with three possible answers. Quizzes can be created by premium users and saved.
small phone homepage.jpg

Creating your own Multiple Choices Quizzes couldn't be easier. Just follow the steps below.

  • Give your Quiz a title​ by completing the "Title of Your Quiz" box, and type out the first question in the "Question" box.

  • Type possible answers in the "Answer 1", "Answer 2", and "Answer 3" boxes.

  • Select the correct answer from the "Correct Answer" buttons next to the answer boxes.

  • Hit the "Add" button. You will see your questions appear in the white column to the right.

  • Repeat this process as many times as you like, until you have created all of your questions.

Editing Questions
  • Below each question you will see a green "Edit" button. If you wish to change any details of your question, simply click "Edit" and the details will be reloaded into the boxes for you to edit.

  • Next to each "Edit" button is a "Delete" button. Clicking this will remove any unwanted questions.

Stop! Grammartime.jpg
New Question

Correct Answer


Questions you have created will appear in a list here.

Nothing to display yet.

Get creating!

You'll need a Premium Membership to save your Multiple Choice Quizzes.

Click here to upgrade

Your Quiz has been saved!

Click here to see it listed on your Board Game Studio page.
just carry on creating!

Please give your quiz a title.

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